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contoh kalimat ambil gambar

"ambil gambar" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Perhaps he managed to take a picture of his attacker.
    Sepertinya dia sempat ambil gambar penyerangnya.
  • We're not here for fun, take the pictures.
    Kita disini bukan untuk rekreasi, cepat ambil gambar
  • Don't forget. Don't take the face, just the mark.
    Jangan lupa, ambil gambar tatu itu.
  • How dare you take my sister for obscene pictures!
    Berani kamu ambil gambar tak elok adik aku!
  • I'm gonna go take from some different angles.
    Aku akan ambil gambar dari sudut lain.
  • Here, get a shot of the mayor and his girlfriend.
    Di sini, ambil gambar walikota dan pacarnya.
  • We took pictures together, held hands together, and kissed.
    Kami ambil gambar, berjalan, bergurau bersama²
  • Let's get a picture of you, me and Adam.
    Ayo ambil gambar foto kau, aku dan Adam.
  • Just fly around the world, take photos of tourist traps.
    Berkeliling dunia. Ambil gambar wisatawan.
  • I'm going to take a picture of your apartment.
    Saya akan ambil gambar apartmen awak.
  • Get a shot of my wife with the minister.
    Ambil gambar istriku dengan menteri.
  • Remind me to take your picture sometime.
    Ingatkan ku utk ambil gambar mu kadang2.
  • Set up a sting dig, Camera Two on a two-shot.
    Atur standar lompatan, Kamera Dua siap ambil gambar.
  • Got to capture the memories, you know?
    Harus ambil gambar untuk memori, awak tahu?
  • Come on, let's take a picture.
    Ayo, kita ambil gambar nya. Biarkan diatas sana.
  • I came to pick up some photos for my friend.
    Saya datang untuk ambil gambar bagi pihak kawan saya.
  • Here, you can take your own picture.
    Sini, kau boleh ambil gambar kau.
  • Let me take a photo for you, here
    Biarkan aku ambil gambar kamu.
  • Let's get a picture of my boys.
    Coba kita ambil gambar anak-anak ini.
  • We have a limo coming.
    Orangtuaku mau ambil gambar, kita sudah pesan limo.
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3